Beth Gylys

Georgia Connection:



Originally from Pennsylvania, Beth Gylys is an award-winning poet and poetry professor at Georgia State University where she has worked for over twenty years. Her fourth collection of poetry, Body Braille, was published in 2020 by Iris Press, and she recently co-authored a collection, The Conversation Turns to Wide-Mouthed Jars (Kelsay Books, 2022), with poets Cathy Carlisi and Jennifer Wheelock. Her other book titles include Sky Blue Enough to Drink, Spot in the Dark, and Bodies that Hum. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in West Branch, Barrow Street, Paris Review, Verse Daily, the New Republic, and many other journals and anthologies.

Poem in the Parks: “What Feeds Us”

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“Soldier Heart”

Georgia Poetry in the Parks