Charlotte Pence

Charlotte Pence

Georgia Connection:



Charlotte Pence is author of two full-length poetry books, most recently Code, two chapbooks, and a composition handbook, and editor of The Poetics of American Song Lyrics. She is the director of the Stokes Center for Creative Writing at the University of South Alabama. Her writing has received awards and fellowships from the Tennessee Arts Commission, the Redden Fund, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Alvin H. Nielson Memorial Fund, the Discovered Voices Award, New Millennium Writing Award, multiple Pushcart nominations and many other honors. Her poetry, hybrid prose, and creative nonfiction have been published in Alaska Quarterly ReviewEpoch, Harvard ReviewKenyon Review OnlineNorth American ReviewDenver QuarterlyPassages NorthRattleTar River Poetry ReviewPrairie SchoonerSouthern Review, and many other journals.

Poem in the Parks: “Black Silhouettes against a Pink Sunset”

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Georgia Poetry in the Parks