Lynn Farmer

Lynn Farmer

Georgia Connection:



Lynn Farmer, a native of Knoxville, TN, has lived most of her life in Decatur, GA. A career high school English teacher, she received her Ph.D. in English literature from Emory University, writing on T. S. Eliot.

Distinguished among her many awards are the Byron Herbert Reece International Award (twice) and the Edwin Davin Vickers Memorial Award, both given by the Georgia Poetry Society; the Chatthoochee Valley Writers’ Prize (twice); the James E. Warren Jr. Prize, from the Academy of American Poets in New York, through Emory University; and the Lennon Memorial Award for Lyrics from the Poetry Society of Virginia.

Lynn’s work has appeared in Lullwater Review; Red Mountain Rendezvous; Snake Nation Review; English Journal; The Chattahoochee Review; Bradford Poetry Review (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England); The Village Writer Magazine; Catalyst; Phoenix; Calamaro; Poets, Artists, and Madmen; Immortales: Poems of Life and Death from New Southern Poets, a Xavier Review Special Edition; Kakalak 2021; and elsewhere. Her 9/11 poem, “Ladder 5: Lost in the 6th Floor Stairwell,” is on display in the Engine 24, Ladder 5 Firehouse in Greenwich Village.

In addition to being a poet, she is a photographer and a singer. Her collection, The Rare, Persistent Light, was the winner of the Charles Dickson Chapbook Award.

Poem in the Parks: “Hemerocallis”

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Georgia Poetry in the Parks